Thousands of beauty reviewers swear by Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, as well as the drying lotion by Bye Bye Blemish, to help clear acne.
To that point, have you ever wondered which acne drying lotion is better? Furthermore, have you even heard of acne drying lotions?

Chances are, if you’re on top of your makeup and beauty game, then you know exactly what they are.
However, if you’re like many ladies who are constantly on the go, then it could be that you have no clue what they are. So let me tell you.
Acne drying lotions are exactly what the name implies, it’s a solution that dries out pimples… like overnight. Oddly enough, they are not similar to lotions in any way.
What you do need to know is that they’ve been on the market for a while and thousands of reviewers praise their effectivity.
Which Drying Lotion Is More Effective on Acne?
For instance, Mario Badescu drying lotion has more than 26,000 reviews and maintains a 4.5-star rating on Amazon.
To add to that, Bye Bye Blemish — a seemingly comparable product — has over 4,000 reviews and has a 4.5-star rating on the same platform too.
So, which is better you ask? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve tried both products.
In respect to price, Bye Bye Blemish is about $5 cheaper (give or take). However, if you purchase the double pack of Bye Bye Blemish, you’ll pay the same price as a single pack of Mario Badescu drying lotion. So it just depends on your budget.
More importantly, when it comes to quality and which acne drying lotion actually produces better results, it’s undoubtedly, Mario Badescu!
Why use Mario Badescu drying lotion for treating acne on the spot?
Top Results with Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

Mario Badescu has built a reputable brand that hundreds of thousands of users swear by.
Plus, I’ve tried the brand’s face wash too, it’s is best suited for people with sensitive skin, and I found that it’s great for the whole body too.
Personally, I say it’s worth using this brand of drying lotion because it actually works. I typically put it on at night on any and all blemishes using a Q-tip. Then, by morning, my face is clear.
Worth noting, the product has a really strong, chemical-like smell, but once the solution dries on your face, you don’t really smell it as much. The same goes for Bye Bye Blemish… it has to do with the ingredients.
Overall, I think it’s safe to say that every woman wants clear, flawless skin!
In order to have the fairest skin of all, you must readily have the products that will help you achieve that goal on hand. And, this product is one of them.