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Develop a Daily Hair Care Routine and Cultivate Fabulous Hair

healthy hair

One of the first suggestions I give to my friends is that they should consider implementing a daily hair care routine if they want to cultivate #luvlylonglocks.

It’s a new year, which should mean a new YOU! I’m not too big on the idea of New Year’s resolutions to be honest. However, I am more drawn to implementing and cultivating at least one good habit a year.

Several of my friends and ladies I meet out-and-about have asked me my tips for growing shiny, healthy hair.

VIEW: Hello Kitty Hair Inspiration Board

daily hair care check list

When I was 18-years-old I had my dark brown virgin-hair highlighted with blond streaks, and yes, it looked as bad as it sounds.

So after a year of damaging my hair with multiple touch-ups and the use of heated hair styling tools, I decided that if I wanted to get my hair back to a beautiful, healthy shine, I needed to go cold turkey with my hair care routine.

This meant that I stopped using heated hair styling tools and dried my hair naturally after washing it with cold water for about three to four years and it was well worth it!

READ: Nursing Damaged, Dry Hair Back to a Healthy Shine

If you want fabulous hair, it’s important to implement a daily hair care routine. Follow these nine steps every day and download for free the LuvlyLongLocks Daily Hair Care Check List.

Top 9 Tips for Cultivating Beautiful Hair

1. Avoid using heated hair styling tools.

I took a drastic, disciplined approach when trying to get my hair healthy again. However, I do understand that it may not be realistic for everyone — we all have to use hair styling tools at some point, right?

So if you do have to use tools, try using steam rollers. They are gentle on the hair and do not get too hot because they’re heated by steam passing through the foam on the roller.

If you have to use heated hair styling tools such as blow dryers, curling irons, hair wands, flat irons and/or hot rollers to style your hair, always use a spray-in heat protectant.

2. Wrap your hair at night or sleep on silk sheets.

My hair is longer than two feet long and I normally sleep on cotton sheets. Well, guess what? In the morning, my hair is a mess and all over the place.

On the days that I wrap my hair in a silk scarf before going to sleep, my hair is in great condition. If you can’t wrap up your hair, then sleep on silk sheets.

Silk’s smooth texture won’t damage your hair when you sleep, like cotton does, and leaves your hair smooth and silky.

VIEW: Turban Hair Inspiration Board

turban hair ideas

3. Hydrate and massage your scalp.

Part of my daily beauty and health routine is applying lotion to my whole body after showering.

I incorporated this beauty routine when I was 12-years-old and now that I’m 31 (believe it or not), my skin is still very elastic and I’m told, smooth. Just like the skin needs daily hydration, so does your scalp. So try,

  • Applying a hair mask or hair oil every week or at least once a month (click here to see which product I recommend using).
  • Condition your hair every time you shampoo.
  • After washing your hair, always use a protective hair product when combing out your hair to reduce frizz, dryness and split ends (click here to see which product I recommend using).

READ: Tips for Preventing Split Ends

4. Eat healthy and take vitamins daily.

We’ve all heard the expression, “you are what you eat.” Well this expression rings true for your hair. What you put into your body has a direct correlation to the shine, growth and volume of your hair.

Diets rich in iron, zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids and protein help to stimulate the growth of hair follicles. I’m a vegetarian, so my diet consists of fruits and vegetables, but if you eat meat, try alternating between eating lean red meat, chicken and fish during the week for optimum hair health.

Also, remember to take vitamins every day. The right combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs can help you get fuller, shinier and stronger hair in just a few months, and as an added benefit, your nails and skin will also look radiant.

5. Be mindful of excess sun exposure.

I live in beautiful, sunny Miami and when going out in this type of climate, it’s always a good rule of thumb to apply sunscreen to your whole body. But what about your hair?

To prevent sun damage, apply a leave-in conditioner from mid-shaft to the ends of your hair at least every other day to combat damage from UV rays, wind and saltwater.

Therefore, if you’re headed to the beach where the heat will be coming at you from all directions, spritz a generous application of heat protectant with SPF onto damp hair before going out, followed by a reapplication after swims.

6. Comb your hair gently.

When you’re setting up a daily hair care routine, it’s important to find a really good comb and hair brush.

I suggest that you use a wide-toothed comb for long locks that are prone to tangling.

And, always gently brush your hair from bottom to top to avoid creating more knots. This is a proven technique to foster good hair health.

READ: Learn to Comb Your Hair the Right Way

7. Trim your hair at least every two to three months.

When I was growing out my hair, I had to cut off like four inches because the ends had become so fried they felt like broomstick bristles.

One of the hair care routines that helped me while growing out my hair was going for regular trimming sessions.

So, when growing out your hair, it’s imperative to get a haircut every eight to twelve weeks to prevent split ends and any further damage.

8. Use cold water to wash your hair.

When you’re washing your hair, you don’t want the water to be too hot. Using warm to hot water when washing your hair increases the chances for breakage, so it’s best to use cool to cold water.

Plus, if you cover your entire head when you shampoo or conditioner, you’re doing it incorrectly. When applying shampoo, apply it to the first few inches of hair at the scalp where you get the most oil and product buildup. Your ends don’t need cleansing as much, however, they do need conditioning.

Then, when applying conditioner, work it in from the mid-shaft to the ends of your hair where it’s driest and prone to split ends.

VIEW: Hologram Hair Inspiration Board

9. Be consistent with your daily hair care routine.

Most importantly, follow these steps religiously if you are serious about cultivating fabulous hair.

Many women are under the misconception that by switching up your hair care products, it helps to keep your hair healthier; however, this is not the case.

So, when you find a product or products that work for your hair, keep using them! That’s another piece of advice I can’t stress enough.

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