Recently, an Indian auntie asked me how to improve mature skin, so I want to share that conversation with you!
For many years, I’ve been immersed in the beauty scene and it has helped me understand the skincare needs of women of all ages.

In fact, two decades of research has taught me,
- which products to use and which to avoid,
- why skin needs to be maintained over time, and
- the value implementing a daily beauty regime.

Truth is, I’m not 60 years old (like this unnamed Indian auntie). Plus, much of LuvlyLongLocks’ audience is comprised of Millennials and Zoomers.
That’s why this site is dedicated to staying on top of the most current hair and beauty trends!
However, I do have lots of female friends who fall into the MTV Generation. You know them as Generation X.
To add to that, I make it a point to chat with a lot of Boomers about their personal beauty regimes and skincare tips.
And, they all tell me:
“As skin ages, it begins to lose moisture and elasticity.”
Below are my top three takeaways for women who want to reverse the look of mature skin and appear more youthful.
How To Improve Mature Skin

1) Moisturize your face and neck daily
Now is the time to consider moisturizing your skin on a daily basis if you aren’t already doing it. Don’t wait until you find the perfectly-rated moisturizer through word of mouth, just start using one.
To add to that, make sure you’re actively adding moisturizer to your neck. As a woman ages, the skin on the neck becomes thinner and loses elasticity, as well as moisture. This can make your neck look wrinkly, and no one wants that.
2) Implement a beauty routine
You should feel good everyday. Have you heard the saying, “if you look good, you’ll feel good?” Well, it’s true. Having your hair styled, nails painted, and makeup done nicely always has the effect of making a woman feel at her very best.
If you don’t always want to get dolled up, then implement these two weekly self-care tips, A) get your hair straightened at your local dry bar, and B) wear your best shade of lipstick. You’ll feel like a million bucks!
3) Consider getting Botox or dermal fillers
If there’s any time in our history where invasive procedures like dermal fillers are good to explore — now’s the time. If you want to touch up wrinkles and fine lines, then do your research and find a board-certified dermatologist whose results meet your expectations.
The best place to view these results is often that doctor’s Instagram page or their website’s image gallery. Plus, don’t forget to check out their reviews on a reliable platform like Google or Yelp.

Best Moisturizer for Glowing Skin
My moisturizer of choice for mature skin is Caudalie Premier Cru Cream Face Moisturizer. Click the link or the image to view it on Amazon and add it to your cart.
If you are part of the MTV Generation or Generation Y, then try out Vichy Laboratories Aqualia Thermal Facial Moisturizer. It’s an Amazon Choice product with almost 3,000 reviews, and a 4.5-star rating!